Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Labor Negotiation

What are the pros and cons of negotiating with management for better working conditions? What was the experience like in class negotiating with me? Do you think negotiations are a good way of settling labor disputes?


  1. Some pros of negotiating for better conditions are there is a chance of the workers getting their way and the economy eventually getting better. If you fight for what the workers believe in yields more of a chance of getting better conditions than not at negotiating at all. This could make for a better economy because there will be more spending and I'm told this makes for a better economy. The experience I had negotiating in class was sort of stressful because all the ideas that we thought were flawless had some obvious flaws that we overlooked. I think that negotiations are a good way of settling disputes because usually people can meet a situation that is good or at least a bit better for everyone, but it is not the beat way because it seems a little disorganized with all of the back and forth of the debate.

  2. the pros are if it actually works, you get better conditions. however, not many people wanted to improve the conditions because it would cost them money and time. the experience was really stressful. it was hard coming up with good arguements.negotions are probably one of the first steps. however, if you obviously rely on negotiations alone, you won't get very far.

  3. Some of the pros of negotiating are that the workers and managers can figure out what would work the best and the workers can do something to improve the working conditions. However, some problems are that discussions can be both confusing and disorganized, the employees don't have to listen to the workers, and ideas can be misinterpreted. Negotiating in class was difficult, as thinking up good ideas for solving the problems isn't very easy and it wasn't always easy to explain the arguments properly. Negotiations can be a good way of settling labor disputes, but they don't always work and the managers don't have to listen to the worker's suggestions.

  4. The pros of negotiating with a working manager of someplace is that the workers may get the chance to progress forwards in better working conditions, or getting more privileges in their job, otherwise to fix the things that should be worked out. The cons of negotiation are that workers may have to give up or sacrifice certain enjoys things they currently may have, such as going to school longer for shorter school hours, as was discussed in class.

  5. The pros of negotiating with the workers is that everyone gets a little of what they wanted. The manager/boss still gets to keep his/her power at the head of everyone,and the workers get some of what they want, like better working conditions, or less working hours. Cons of negotiating are that the boss will most likely not want to make any changes that could affect his role as boss,and that everyone has to give up a little of something to make the negotiation work out but negotiating in the end can help everyone. The experience i had negotiating in class was hard, because you have to try to make everyone happy, and make sure you have good rebuts. I believe negotiating is a good way to settle labor disputes.

  6. Negotiating with management for better working conditions has pros and cons. Some pros of negotiating are that everyone gets a say in what they feel is appropriate for their working conditions. Everyone gets a chance to share their ideas and hopefully put some of them in motion. People can hear what other's ideas are, and make for a stronger negotiation as well. Some cons would be that if the management didn't agree and none of the ideas benefitted the management, the people could have done all that work for nothing. The experience of negotiating in class was hard. You kept bringing up many questions that we had not considered and we didn't have an answer for. These questions caused our ideas to seem less realistic. In the management's eyes. I think negotiating is a good way of settling labor disputes because it gives the people themselves a chance to tell management what they don't like and what they think needs to happen in order for them to succeed. If they didn't have a chance to negotiate, then the management would have no idea of the conditions and what they could do to have a better satisfaction from the workers.

  7. A pro of negotiating working conditions with management is that you can bring to their attention the issues and try to find a reasonable solution that would benefit both the employer and the worker. A con is that the management who at the end has the final say in what ever happens might not care about the workers complaints as long as goods were being produced. Negotiations in class seemed hard. If the person trying to make a change wasn't able to back up their case and make good points they would just be dismissed or not get what they set out to get. Usually with the new changes there was a trial period then a final decision was made based on the benefits shown in the end.If in the end if it was bad, there could also be consequences. This did seem like a good way to make decisions in the work place. It made every one happy and gave them the opportunity to get different ideas for their working environment.

  8. A pro of negotiating working conditions is you can make the workers feel safe. A con is the person who has the final say may not care about the workers at all. Negotiations in class was a little hard we had to explain a lot of things and have a lot of information to convince you. Yes because it can benefit many people and is a fair way of settling things.

  9. A pro of negotiating labor is that you can make them aware of yours , and the other employees unhappiness of the situation . If you have a reasonable boss/manager hell listen to your negotiations and everyone will get a little of what they wanted . The class negotiations were difficult if you didnt have a good argument planned out . If you came with a weak argument the head of change would just ask you to leave an call up the next group . If the negotiations were reasonable and he took it for consideration he would explain how the deal would work if it turned out good or bad . iThink negotiations are a good way to settle things because if done the right way they could end up creating a better work place , or where ever or whatever your negotiating about , better .

  10. My bad i forgot this , a con is that if your boss or whoever doesnt care about how the workers feel or their ideas , then theyll just dismiss them anyway so it doesnt matter . Also the boss also has the final say so even if you present a good case , if he feels like hes getting the most out of the current situation he wont change it .

  11. Negotiating can be tricky business especially when your negotiating wiht your boss. You have to keep in mind that your boss doesn;t want to lose money for your better being, and your boss tends to know more than you do about your jobe. When done correctly negotiating can make your job easier, ease tensions, and posibly get you a raise. On the other hand when done wrong tensions could be built and pay could possibly be lowered! When we negotiated in class i soon found out that Mr. Sansinito knew to much about the school and was able to rebut against all arguements we had. I think negotiating may well be the cleanest way to settle working conditons, but striking is probably the most effective way.

  12. A pro of negotiating working conditions with management is that your able to share your thoughts with your employees. By telling the people you work with what you don't like about your company it could change it into a better working facility. This will not only make all of the employees happy, but it will make more people want to work for the company as well. If more people work for your company then more work will get done quicker.The cons of this is that whoever manages the company may not care about what other employees don't like. They may look at it as if everything's fine aslong as they continue to make the same amount of money then nothing has to be changed. If they think negitavley like that than workers won't like it, and they could end up not working for that company anymore,most likely if someone won't listen to what you have to say, and what you do not like and would like to change than you will no longer talk to them. So if you don't like your job because of different reasons that you shared with your employee and they decided it's not big deal because your all making the same amount of money then you will msot likely quit your job. If your boss won't change your job because of what makeas it harder for you then most people will quit. The end result will be that nobody will be working at the company. And then your boss will change the things everybody is against in your job and try to get all of the employees back.

  13. When workers negotiate with their bosses for the things that they want to change, there can be many pros and many cons. A few pros might be that the boss actually listens to their ideas and they make the changes without much of an argument, but i doubt that happened very often. Another pro could be that the boss earned respect for the workers because they came to him instead of just striking or starting another form of a protest. That would probably make the workers lives and jobs easier since their boss liked them more. A couple of cons are that the boss could get angry and fire the workers who asked about the changes, or that the boss could disagree leading to a strike amongst the laborers.
    Negotiating in class was really interesting for me because i had to think of ways to prove to Mr. Sancinito that our argument was true and that it needed to change. Every time he rebutted something we said, we would have to figure out a new approach to win him over.
    I don't think that negotiations are a good way of settling labor disputes because its unfair. Even if the workers make a good argument their boss still has all the power, and can choose their fate how ever they want it. Thats why so many strikes probably happened, because the workers knew it was the only way to have more power than their boss.

  14. A pro of negotiating with manegment for better working conditions is that your ideas are listen to and changes could be made. A con of this is having your ideas turned down and there to be no changes.

  15. In negotiating for anything there are pros and cons. A couple pros would be that the person you are negotiating with will listen to your ideas and accept them and keep an open mind. Also, if things worked and improved, like what Gabi said, the boss would show more respect for the workers. This also is a pro to the boss because then the working environment would be much better. This would also most likely make the production process faster and of higher quality because the workers would be happier and more enthusiastic about work. Lastly, more people would want to work for that particular company because it had such a good way of treating their employes. However, there are always cons in situations like these. One con would be that the boss doesn't want to listen to you. This would embarrass you and would make you lose some confidence or power. Also, the boss might be angry that you wasted his/her time and might make working conditions harder. Another thing is that even if you do win and your opponent agrees with what you say, what happens if it doesn't work? People lose respect for you, especially your boss because it's is his loss, and again your boss might get angry because the loss in production and might end up making conditions harder. In these cases you would not only not win, but you would lose greatly. I think that negotiating, as shown above, has many pros and cons, but i think that once you even them out that negotiating things is a good way to handle a problem because it is a good way to find a solution that will somewhat work for everyone.

  16. Also, one more thing that is a con, if the workers do end up coming together and striking this would not only be a con for the manager, but also for everyone because it would slow down the economy which would make everyone lose.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. The main pro of negotiating is getting your way, if your boss accepts your ideas things will change for the good of you and your co workers making your life easier. This is a con for the company owner considering it will cost them money, but pf you really think about it you will realize its also a pro for a company pwner. With better working conditions workers will be happy and work harder causing their company to be very lucrative.

    Negotiating was vey diffucult considering how pigheaded the company pwner was. Convincing a company owner isnt easy because your telling them ways changes will improve your life, you have to show them how some improvments in working conditions will benefit them too.

    Negotiations are a good way to settle disputes, their easy and non violent. But if the company pwner your trying to convince is Mr.Sancinito then I suggest going on strike

  19. Some pros of negotiating are that your boss actually listens to the idea and puts it into action. Although it usually does not go that smoothly. Sometimes what happens is a compromise and it is also a pro of negotiating. A compromise is a win win situation you get what you want but just with some limitations. What i mean by that is that he fine tunes the idea to fit his needs to. Also your boss will think you are smarter if you can keep pitching good ideas the company can use. Some cons of negotiations is that your boss shuts down your idea and the workers go on strike. Also if the idea some how offends the boss you might get fired. Those are the pros and cons of negotiations.
