Friday, June 3, 2011

Who's most responsible for the Holocaust?

Are there different heights of responsiblity for the Holocaust? Who do you think deserves the blame and how much of the blame do they deserve?


  1. Yes i believe there are different heights of responsibility for the Holocaust. There are people that can take most of the blame and there are other people that can take partial blame, like the people around Germany. There were probably some people outside of Germany that had some partial knowledge of what was going on but didn't do anything about it. I think the citizens of Germany deserve most of the blame because they knew what was happening, even if not to the full extent and they didn't do anything to help the victims.

  2. Yes, I think that there can be different heights of responsibility for the Holocaust. Some people can take more blame than other people. For example, the poor citizens who were the victims of the Nazi had nothing to do with it except for the fact that they were the victims. And the people who can be blamed are either the Nazis or the people who pretended that nothing was going on, while other people were getting murdered. But i think the citizens who loved in Germany and who knew what was going on but did not say anything deserve the blame as much as the Nazis do.

  3. I think the Nazi party is the one who should take the most blame. Now it is true that almost the whole of the world did little to stop the horros that were happening during the Holocaust. If somebody had stepped in, perhaps things wouldn't have been so horrible, maybe millions of lives would have been saved. But stepping up, and talking back to the face of authority is a difficult thing to do. The SS was ruthless and tracked down anyone who was known to be the slightest bit traitor. People's houses were bugged, and their mail was searched, and they knew it, or at the very least, suspected it. The Nazi party also had on their side Hitler's charsima, and the fact that it was the Nazi party who had brought Germany back into power. so the people of Germany couldn't really be blamed for the Holocaust. The ones who took the most blame was the Nazi party.

  4. I think that Hitler and the Nazi's should recieve the majority of the blame, because they were the people who were actually inflicting the pain into others. And they were being awful and killing people for there race or relgion. But I do think that some of the blame should go to the people who stood by and watched this all happen. I know if they had said something than they probabaly would have gotten killed or tortured, but atleast it would have sparked a rally and people realizing that what Hitler was doing is wrong. But they didn't say anything so Hitler kept going on with his plan and killing innoccent people. It wasn't fair or nice what Hitler did to the Jews. He had no right;and because the people didn't stand up to him I think they deseve part of the blame.

  5. I think most of the blame should fall on Hitler and the Nazi party and the guards at the concentration camps. The blame should fall on the Nazi party because they were the ones who were ordering for the Jews to be killed. The guards should be blamed because they were carrying out the orders and although the citizens did know something it is sometimes hard to go against authority and they didn't know the full extent of what they were doing at the concentration camps but the Nazi party and the guards did

  6. I think that there are many different people who could take some blame for the Holocaust. However I believe that the people who should take the most blame would be Hitler and the SS officers. The reasons for Hitler are obvious, for he initiated the whole genocide. The SS officers were the ones who actually performed all of the inhumane actions on the Jews. Although the SS officers and followers of Hitler argued that they did not know any better, They still knew how they should act toward human beings. Overall, even though many people could be responsible for the Holocaust, I think that Adolf Hitler and His SS followers are most to blame.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think that the majority of the blame should be given to Hitler and the Nazis, too, because they were the ones who knew the most about what was going on, and they had taken part in the acts first hand. However, most of the German citizens also knew about the terrible acts and did nothing to stop them so they should receive a portion of the blame as well, just a smaller one. Then there are the victims, who did nothing to bring on the things the Germans did to them, and who shouldn't receive any of the blame.

  9. I think the blame should be on hitler and any people who enforced those laws. I dont think anyone who was just following the laws stated by hitler because if you place yourself in thier posistion you would have chose to follow the laws then to pay with your life. I think the majority of the blame should be on hitler and the rest on his advisors.

  10. I do believe that there are different heights of responsibility, although there a couple people who deserve equal blame. In my opinion, the Nazis and the citizens of Germany who were bystanders deserve the most blame. Obviously the victims were not responsible for any of the blame, but the German citizens definitely held a lot of blame because of how easy it would have been for them to stop this catastrophe. The Nazis are an obvious guilty party because they caused the Holocaust to happen. Even if they were just following orders, they still followed and listened when they could have done something to stop it.

  11. In my opinion, a lot of people deserve blame for the Holocaust. The Nazis deserve most of of the blame, because they were the ones actually perpetrating the crimes. The German citizens also deserve a lot of blame, because they looked the other way and didn't protest what was happening. Finally, some of the blame goes to the Allies. Near the beginning of the war, the Allies knew some of what was happening in the concentration camps, but they still decided not to try to liberate the concentration camps earlier or destroy the railroad lines that transported prisoners to them.

  12. I don't think you can place the blame specifically on one person. Everyone is deserving of some blame. First, the Nazi's and Hitler for starting this whole thing. Then, the people of Germany for not doing something to help aid, or even prevent the Holocaust. And lastly, though they helped end the Holocaust, the Allies are also to blame. They knew what was happening from the beginning and chose not to do anything until they were potntially at risk. The Holocaust took a group effort to start, and end. If one of the group members decided to do what's right, this may not have ever become so heinous.

  13. Yes there are different heights of blame in this situation. I feel that Hitler and the Nazis should get about 40% of the blame because they were the aggressors and they did start this whole thing all together. However, I do believe that anyone, from any country, who just sat back and let this go on for as long as it did should be given the majority of the blame. I'm sure there were millions of more people who were against the idea of the Holocaust than there were people who were for it and if those people had just acted on that feeling of how terrible this inhumanity was immediately then this would have stopped much sooner than it did, which would have already been too late.

  14. A lot of people were to blame for the holocaust. For the most part, Hitler is at fault. However people didn't need to follow him. The Nazis did Hitler's bidding by torturing innocent people. The Nazis and Hitler were dehumanizing the victims of the Holocaust and the citizens surrounding it let it happen. The majority of the blame goes to Hitler and his cronies but the citizens of Germany should take part of the responsibility for allowing it to happen. I understand that it was a really tough time for everyone and there were a select few who tried to help, but the Holocaust did happen and thousands of people were killed.

  15. Given the amount of people at fault, I don't believe i could place anybody with more blame than another. Even if certain individuals were more morally at fault, the incriments that seperate them are to small.

  16. I believe that the Nazi party and the SS officers should mainly be held responsible for the holocaust. The SS officers running the concentration camps should know the difference between a reasonable order and an inhumane order. Saying that they were thought to obey no matter what is not a good excuse. It is also partially the German citizens fault too. They just watched and do anything about it. But I cant really blame them, anyone who dared oppose Hitler would be immediately executed.
